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Al a carte peptide therapy

-Pricing varies based on peptide and duration of treatment

-Discounted pricing for concierge members


All clinically used peptides are prepared by registered compounding pharmacies, following state and federal laws.

The compounding pharmacy is responsible for peptide sterility and potency. We do not recommend using peptides from unregulated source.

Body Composition


(cycle-3 months on/1 month Off)

Sermorelin is a synthetic analog of growth hormone releasing hormone GHRH, that can increase growth hormone levels comparatively more safely than exogenous growth hormone therapy.

The potential benefits: Improved body composition, Increased strength and muscle mass, Accelerated injury recovery, Improved bone health, Anti aging effects, Decrease body fat, Cardiac tissue repair, and Sleep regulation

Possible Side Effects: In general Sermorelin is considered to be well tolerated. Side effects are rare. Side effects may include: facial flushing, swelling, redness, pain, or irritation at the injection site, headache, nausea, vomiting or allergic reaction. Contraindicated in anyone with history of cancer.


Lipotropic (MIC) +/- B12


L-Methionine, Inositol and Choline (MIC) consists of a formula of lipotropics, compounds that help break down fat. The primary compounds in the formula–methionine, inositol, choline–work to metabolize fat cells and assist in the elimination of stored fat deposits in the liver and body.

L- Methionine is one of eight essential amino acids that are the building blocks for proteins, but which cannot be produced in the body. L-Methionine can be found in meats and dairy products, as well as spinach, potatoes, Brazil nuts and sesame seeds.  Inositol is a carbohydrate, but is not considered a sugar, and was once considered a member of the vitamin B complex. But since the body is able to synthesize it, it is not a classic vitamin. It is also found predominantly in fruits such as cantaloupe and oranges, as well as bananas, kidney beans, raisins, and peanuts. Choline is considered an essential nutrient that, while produced in the liver, is generally not produced in sufficient quantities. Like inositol, it is often grouped within the B complex of vitamins, although it is not a true B vitamin. Vitamin B12 a water soluble vitamin that is essential for energy metabolism and nervous system function, red blood cell formation, and the production of DNA. Food sources of vitamin B-12 include poultry, meat, fish and dairy products.

Mens Workout Training Charleston

Recovery and Repair


(cycle-4 weeks) 

TB-500 is a synthetic version of thymosin beta -4, peptide (short chain of amino acids) that has been found in most animal and human cells. Since thymosin beta -4 is naturally produced in the thymus gland in response to injury researchers are actively investigating whether TB500 accelerates the healing process.

The potential benefits: Decrease inflammation, Accelerated recovery and soft tissue repair, Improved wound healing and repair, Reduces scar tissue, Accelerated muscle growth, tone, and muscular stamina.

Possible Side Effects: TB-500 appears to be well tolerated but side effects may include: swelling, redness, pain, or irritation at the injection site, Lightheadedness, nausea, flu like symptoms or allergic reaction.


Pentadeca Arginate 

(cycle-4 weeks)

Po available: capsule 500mcg po daily

Pentadeca Arginate is known to stimulate vascular endothelial growth factor leading to formation of new blood vessels, blocks growth inhibitors, and upregulates multiple growth receptors in the body stimulating the production of fibroblasts vital to synthesis of collagen. It has been demonstrated to accelerate wound healing, including tendon-to-bone healing and superior healing of damaged ligaments. This peptide is also shown to decrease pain in damaged areas. 

The potential benefits: Quicker recovery times post-injury, Wound and bone healing, Decreased inflammation, Increased energy and Mood regulation, Improved skin and hair.

Possible Side effects: headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, elevated blood pressure, increase appetite, swelling, redness, pain, or irritation at the injection site, or allergic reaction.

Antiaging/Cognitive Enhancement:

Copper Tripeptide 

(cycle-4weeks on /8 weeks off) 

Copper tripeptide’s primary function is thought to be one of healing and antioxidative effects. Researchers attribute much of its beneficial effect to its ability to bind with copper ions. This allows it to play an important role in copper metabolism, and the essential mineral copper plays many key roles in human health. It may also up regulate and down regulate a number of genes that play roles in skin repair, healing, and blood vessel and nerve regrowth to stimulate the synthesis and breakdown of collagen and act to attract immune and endothelial cells to sites of injury.


(applied daily)

GHK-Cu has been widely used in topical anti-aging skincare products and hair regrowth formulations. It also shows strong potential in more therapeutic applications from pain reduction to nervous system function, although research is ongoing at this time.

Potential benefits: tissue healing, improved skin quality, antioxidative effects, hair growth, antianxiety.

Side effects: felt to be mostly safe as it is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. Injection site pain, lightheadedness, nausea, and even flu-like symptoms, irritation at the injection site, or allergic reaction are possible.


(cycle-4 weeks, 4 weeks off)

Glutathione is tripeptide made up of 3 amino acids; cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. It is a powerful antioxidant that is present in plants an animals and found in nearly every cell in the human body and brain. It protects brain mitochondria from oxidative stress and recycles other antioxidants, such as vitamin C&E. These key properties result in enhanced immune function, protection from age-related diseases, reduced inflammation and purging of heavy metals

Potential benefits: repair of oxidative damage, anti aging, improvement of skin damage, brain health, cartilage health, immune function, athletic performance

Side effects: appears to be well tolerated and safe. Flatulence, loose stools, flushing, weight gain, irritation at the injection site, or allergic reaction are possible.



(2-3x week)

Nicotinamide adenine nucleotide (NAD+) has emerged as a key regulator of cellular processes that control the body’s response to stress. Raising NAD+ levels, is now considered to be highly promising for the treatment of multiple diseases and the potential extension of the human lifespan. It controls hundreds of critical processes from energy metabolism to cell survival, rising and falling depending on food intake, exercise, and the time of day. NAD+ levels steadily fall as we age, leading to a decline in the function of cells and organs. Raising NAD+ can have profound effects on the health and survival of mammals.

Physiological effects of NAD: Promote cognitive and sensory function, gluconeogenesis in the liver, lipogenesis in adipose tissue, insulin secretion in the pancreas, and insulin sensitivity in muscle. NAD+ also promotes endothelial cell proliferation and can protect against cardio and cerebrovascular disease. NAD+ helps regulate immune function and inflammation and may protect against acute kidney injury. It may also extend fertility in both men and women.


Sexual health

Bremelanotide* (PT-141/B12)  20mg vial or Nasal Spray/B6 

50 units (1mg) sub Q if desired results are not achieved within one to four hours inject additional 12.5 units (0.25mg) hourly until desired results achieved. Do not exceed 100 units (2mg) in 72 hours. No more than 8 times per month.

(PT-141/B12): Agonist of the melanocortin receptors in the brain which stimulates increased sexual desire and arousal in both men and women. Is an FDA-approved treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in women, is not FDA approved for men.

Potential benefits include: increased and sustained erections, increased sexual arousal and desire, and increased bonding.

Possible side effects include: nausea, flushing, headaches, arthralgia, local hyperpigmentation, restless leg syndrome, increased blood pressure and heart rate, pain, or irritation at the injection site, or allergic reaction.

12 month plans: *discounted for concierge members

Peak Performance: Muscle building, bodyfat reduction, and recovery

-Sermorelin x3 cycles-TB-500 x 3 cycles or Pentadeca x 3 cycles -Lipotropic (MIC) +/- B12 25/50/50 1mg/ml 10ml, 1mg IM weekly, up to 6 months

Forever Young: Antiaging/Cognitive Enhancement

-Copper Tripeptide x 4 cycles-GHK-Cu-Topical 2mg/ml 30g with 3 refills-NAD+ 2 x per week (5-6) weeks, then maintenance dosing -Glutathione x 4 cycles

Epigenetic testing for DNA Methylation and Biologic age testing:

$550 Includes DNA Methylation and Biological age testing

Methylation is one of the main pathways through which the body controls gene expression, adding methyl groups to DNA molecules. This process is crucial for regulating gene expression. Genetic methylation tests identify specific genetic variants in genes related to this process, analyzing variations in the DNA sequence that affect methylation capability. These genes do not change throughout our lifetime. Some genetic variants that can be identified are involved in the methylation cycle. The presence of certain genetic variants may influence the efficiency of methylation and the body’s ability to process B vitamins, metabolize homocysteine, synthesize neurotransmitters, and detoxify the body